How will the pandemic impact my care?
This is a frequently asked question.
COVID-19 has changed the way we can gather, connect, and share information - what it hasn’t changed is the high level of care you will receive from us as your midwives. You will continue to be seen, either in-person or for virtual visits, as well as offered the same testing, ultrasounds and consultations as always.
What measures have you put in place to keep my family safe?
Only our clients, their babies, and one partner or adult support person are permitted in the clinic. Although we love your families, we kindly ask that you make childcare arrangements for your children when attending appointments at our clinic. If you don’t have childcare and are unable to attend your appointments for that reason, please speak to your midwife about your situation before your appointment.
If you or your household have any signs or symptoms of illness (cough, fever, vomitting, diarrhea), please call to reschedule your in-person appointment.
Please do not arrive any earlier than 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment as our waiting room is not very big. As of May 2023, masking is now optional for clients. Thank you for helping to keep everyone safe!
Midwives will not work if they have symptoms or risk factors for COVID-19. We will wear masks and maintain a 2-metre distance from clients unless clinically necessary. Anything that comes into contact with a client (including clinic beds, blood pressure cuffs, washrooms, doorknobs, and fetal heart tone Dopplers) will be disinfected between appointments.
What symptoms or risk factors should I be watching for?
We are screening using the Ministry of Health’s reference document for symptoms, which can be found by clicking here.
Common symptoms:
Fever, cough, shortness of breath
Less common symptoms:
Sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, loss of smell or taste, nausea or vomiting that is unrelated to the pregnancy, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
Uncommon symptoms:
Chills, headache, conjunctivitis (pink eye), lethargy or malaise (extreme or unusual tiredness that is unrelated to the pregnancy), myalgia (muscle aches and pains that are unrelated to the pregnancy), decreased or lack of appetite.
Risk factors:
A household contact, or any person in your social bubble is COVID-19 positive or awaiting test results.
Any member of your social bubble (including a child) has any of the symptoms listed above.
Any member of your social bubble is under quarantine, or has been told by Public Health to isolate.
Any child sent home from school or daycare and symptomatic or has been directed to be tested for COVID-19, whether it has been done yet or not.
Your social bubble includes anyone you have been in close contact with (within 2 metres) for more than 15 minutes while not wearing a mask.
What happens if I answer yes to any of these questions?
Your midwives will offer you a virtual visit unless it is clinically essential that you be seen in-person. If a visit is considered essential, your midwives will offer a visit outside, or in a well-ventilated room. If a visit must be done inside our clinic space, it will be scheduled so that no other midwives, students, staff or clients are present and limited to clinical assessment only with the remainder of the visit completed virtually.
What impact does COVID-19 have on the health of my baby, labour considerations, breast/chestfeeding options etc.?
The Association of Ontario Midwives has put together many resources that may answer your questions. These documents can be found by clicking here.
Many clients are considering out-of-hospital birth as a way to reduce their risk of COVID-19 exposure. Home and birth centre births are a safe option for most clients in midwifery care and carry a lower risk of COVID-19 exposure. The Ottawa Birth and Wellness Centre’s website has their latest COVID-19 policies, which can be found by clicking here.
Our colleagues at the Montfort Hospital continue their hard work on the frontlines of this pandemic, and we are proud to be on their team. The Montfort Hospital’s website contains the most up-to-date information on their current COVID-19 policies, as well as the number of COVID-19 cases currently at the hospital (updated daily), which can be found by clicking here.
We feel such gratitude for the strength, trust and patience our clients have shown during this pandemic.
Thank you for allowing us to care for you while keeping our families, clients and community safe.